Sllo Talks: The Brain behind Cush Coma.

You’ve no doubt seen this local ‘Cush Dealer’ floating around your Instagram, or lying on the couch in your friend’s Brunswick share house. We wanted to get to know the lovely creator behind the eco-consciously stuffed cushions that we can’t get enough of! So, we asked Paige a few questions.

Tell us a bit about yourself and what you do.

(Such a vague question, we know). But what do you want people to know about the amazing mind behind 'Cush Coma'?

My name is Paige and I am behind CUSH COMA. I always refer to the origination of my brand as a happy accident. I started making cushions from home during lockdown last year as something to do! After requests from friends to make more, I started an instagram page and website. From here it took off in ways I could have never imagined! From stockist & collaboration requests to stylists borrowing them for shoots, CUSH COMA quickly became my full time gig. 

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

CUSH COMA is inspired by camp fashion, tattoos, jewelry and anything loud & ridiculous. I try to make the most BIZARRO cushions on the market that start conversations & make people happy.

What has been a lesson you've learned as a young business owner in such a niche market?

There are certainly a lot of lessons that I have learnt along the way, but what I definitely would have done sooner is speak to an accountant & smarten up on the not so intuitive side of things such as managing cash flow & accounting software. 

Tell us a bit more about the sustainability practices at Cush Coma. Why did you want to incorporate these into your business?

CUSH COMA uses dead stock or natural fibre materials. The cushions are then stuffed using 100% PET water bottle filling & finally sent in HERO PACKS, which are reusable & compostable!

I wanted to adopt sustainably conscious practices because it aligns with my own values. I think people these days are becoming more aware of their consumption & environmental doom. If you're a business in 2021 and not taking steps to incorporate these practices you will soon be irrelevant.  

What would be your dream collaboration?

Dom Sebastian!!!! A gal can dream.. 

What do you do to ‘sllo down’?

To 'sllo down' and take a breather from my small business I like to crochet, watch reality TV, go for a walk along the Merri Creek & get a coffee or peruse on fb marketplace for any tasty vintage finds. 

Self care is an integral part of my daily routine. Before I start my day, engaging in one of these activities for an hour or so really helps me focus!


Shop Cush Coma online, or take a look on Instagram.


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